Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm taking it back.

It's time for me to make blogging personal again.

For the life of me, I can't seem to think of anything worthwhile to group-blog about on BI. But there's plenty enough going on in my own personal world that I think it's time I built an outlet. I'm not sure how interested I really am that anyone I know actually reads this thing, since I can already see that I'm going to be venting a lot, and maybe embarassing myself in the process. Whatever--this is for my sanity. Dear reader, your entertainment is very very secondary.

You remember that movie with Michael Douglas, "Falling Down?" It's about this average joe, mildly angry to begin with, and he has this terrible horrible absolutely-no-good day. So he goes on a rampage and in the process winds up wreaking all kinds of havoc on LA and his family. Spoiler: he dies at the end, and maybe the world's not a better place for it, but it sure is quieter.

The reason I bring this up is because this is the world we live in. As Americans we tend not to be able to conceptualize much that could be different; it's just how it is. We're really just not that imaginative. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Al Quaeda hijackers of 9/11 had a lot in common with Michael Douglas' character, and any number of home-grown morons.

See, America is under attack. But not (just) by Al Quaeda. Not by Islam. No, America is under attack by idiots. From within, and from without. We have idiots fighting idiots, and the people who know better are caught in the crossfire, too horrified to react, or maybe too scared, too shocked, too disbelieving. Because, you know...maybe it'll all blow over. Maybe all the idiots will kill each other, and then the rest of us can live in peace, right?

Yeah, good luck with that, friend. The thing about idiots is they don't really much care who they hit. If I were to be completely truthful, I'd 'fess up and say that lately, this has applied to me as much as anyone else, and hey--that might just mean I'm being an idiot.

Well, far be it from me to avoid introspection. What's done is done, but what's done can be undone, or atoned for, or amended. And this is what I seek, personally. I will donate a pound of flesh for the ounces of others'.

1 comment:

tiffany said...

'america is under attack by idiots. both within and outside.'

very, VERY well put.